Cave Paintings|32,000years ago

Posted: February 15, 2011 in History of Visual Communications

Dikshya Baral

Cave Paintings| started about 32,000 years ago.

This is a popular cave painting that can be found in Lascaux.

This is one of the cave paintings that can be found in Chauvet.

This is one of the cave paintings that could be found in Altamira.

  1. Cave paintings are beautiful, detailed, colorful presentations found on the inside of cave walls and ceilings.
  2. Prehistoric man created paintings by mixing water, plant juice, animal blood, charcoal, and hematite. Brushes were made using sticks, small stones, leaves, and animal hairs. The paintings in Altimara cave have a red hue because the soil in the cave was red.
  3. The true reason of why prehistoric man created these paintings is not yet certain, but historians believe that there are three main reasons why man created these paintings. One reason is to tell a story or recount an event that already happened. Another reason is to provide an instructional visual aid to help teach about hunting techniques. The last reason is that cave paintings were also created for magical or religious reason that if an image of a desired event were painted, it might come true.
  4. Speleology is the study of caves: the make up structure of caves, physical properties, history, life forms, and processes from which they form.

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