Archive for the ‘Digital Imagery’ Category


Posted: April 30, 2011 in Digital Imagery

This is a collage that mimmicks David Hockney’s style.

Photo Strip

Posted: March 28, 2011 in Digital Imagery

This is a photostrip that I made that tells a story of a boy who is nervous just before performing at his piano recital, but when he finally plays, he plays well, and he is very happy at the end. The first and third  pictures in the photo strip utilize the perspective principal, the second picture utilizes the use of the rule of thirds, and the last picture utilizes the rule of leading lines.

This is one of the pictures that I took that utilizes the principle of perspective because we are looking at the boy in a different way than we would usuallly see him.

This picture utilzes the leading lines principle becuase the sides of the road are leading the eyes to the boy who is standing further down.

This is another picture that utilizes the principle leading lines because all the lines on the bed sheet are leading the viewer’s eye to the open book.

This picture utilizes the rule of thirds principle because the main focus of the picture, the CD box is located around a the corner of the page; the focal point is not in the center in the picture.

This picture uses the principle of perspective because it is showing the piano in a way that we do not usually see it. Usually, when we look at a piano, we see the whole thing; however, we rarely ever see just the keys.

Abstract Background Wallpaper.

Posted: January 31, 2011 in Digital Imagery

These are two examples of desktop wallpaper I made from using an online tutorial. It was called abstract bars. I followed the tutorial, but I added some of my own taste to it.