Archive for the ‘Portfolio’ Category

Intro to Graphics Portfolio

Posted: May 25, 2011 in Portfolio

Artist Statement:

This year has been a busy year in intro to graphics design. Over the past couple of months, I worked with programs such as adobe illustrator, adobe photoshop, and adobe indesign to transfer my designs onto the computer. I have also learned to enrich upon my designs by learning about color theory and poster design. Not only have I been learning about designs, I am starting to understand my style a little more, which I would describe as simple yet colorful. I would describe much of my work to be inflicted on previous inspiration.

While taking intro, I have learned to enrich my skills in programs such as adobe illustrator and photoshop; however, I would still like to continue practicing more with indesign so that I can become more comfortable with the program. Furthermore, I would like to build upon my creativity. I think intro to graphics design has helped me expand upon my creativity, but I would still like to be able to come up with better, more interesting designs that really call attention to the viewer. I would also like to expand upon my knowledge of design principles and color theory. I learned the basic elements of design, such as lines, shapes, textures, and values, and I would like to be able to better incorporate them into my work to create more rythm and flow into my designs. I would also like to improve on my composition; I believe the way the elements of a design are arranged on my page will make a big difference in how the viewer sees my design. I would like to be able to arrange elements on a page so that it calls attention to the viewer without overpowering his/her eyes. I have learned how warm and cool colors can affect a design: warm colors call a lot of attention to the viewer’s eyes, and cool colors relax the eye. I learned how to incorporate both cool and warm colors to create balance in a design. I believe I am good at incorporating value into my design, but I would like to better the compositions of my designs.

I have learned a lot about design by taking intro to graphics design, and I have also learned a lot about myself and my strengths and weaknesses as a designer. I believe I have accomplished many things over the past few months: I have learned to use values effectively in my design, and I have learned to incorporate color balance to create rhythm within a design. However, I still have much to improve on. I feel my weakest area in design is photography and the composition of elements on a page in a design. I will continue to work with graphics over the next few years to strengthen these weak areas.